Friday, August 16, 2013

Get lost

My kids and I drove into Vancouver, B.C. yesterday. We spent the day with an old family friend and tooled around in the English Bay and Stanley Park. On our way back to the border, we lost our network signal on my phone, which was what I was using for GPS so we decided to just use the directions we had printed out from Google maps in reverse...this didn't work out so well. We got severely lost in a big city we didn't know.

After 3 hours of thinking we were on the right track and then realizing we weren't on the right track at all, we finally stopped at a gas station to purchase a map of the city.

My daughter and I took it in stride and had a blast being lost, while my son didn't so much. He was so frustrated that we couldn't find our way and kept getting mad at me for laughing about it. I ended up having to have a serious talk with him about life and how getting lost is part of the adventure. I explained to him that you can plan out your life as detailed as you like, but if you can't lighten up enough to enjoy the unplanned moments, then you'll miss out on all the stuff that real memories are made out of. I think he gets it now. I'm hoping we get lost again on this trip.

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