This became clear to me the other day when I was forced to wear a bandage on my wrist after having a cortisone shot into my wrist in order to help some inflamed tendons. Unfortunately there is 2 days of agony preceding the comfort of the medication actually working. I wore the bandage in order to brace my wrist while I operated my manual transmission car and did normal daily activities. It hurt so bad I was nearly in tears most of the time. And I have a very high pain tolerance. My chores still needed to be done, so I continued on my day with our list of activities. My son wanted to go to the library to check out some books, we needed groceries, there was a prescription to pick up at the drugstore, and so on and so on.
A known fact about me is that people find me intimidating. Not in a scary way, but in a "wow, she's confident and knows what she wants" way. I've been told this by men who have tried to pursue me, women who are friends, and co-workers alike. Because of this, I've often felt a little like an outcast or fish out of water.
On this particular day I decided to take my wrapped arm, which I assume was perceived as a sign of weakness, and continued on with my day. I couldn't believe how many people approached me. Men and women alike. It's as if I let down a wall that I had been holding up and people finally felt as if they had permission to come into my circle.
I am only sharing this story because it was the wake up call I needed to see that I need to learn how to break down some barriers I have up in order to try to control everything and stop holding myself to expectations that are so high, that I can't ever meet them or if I do, I'm exhausted once I get there.
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