Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do people avoid being direct in all parts of the country? Or just here?

I was having a conversation about relationships with a  single male friend of mine recently. He was frustrated because he was told by a friend of a friend that she knew someone who would be perfect for him and then continued to set them up with communication information. He approached her online and, thanks to modern technology, he could see that she had read his emails, but she never responded. Days go by so he asks the person who set them up if everything was ok. She couldn't give any explanation as to why she hadn't responded, so he waited a couple more days. He emailed the women who set them up and told her not to worry about it and thanked her for trying.

Now anyone in their right mind can see that the woman obviously checked him out online and decided she wasn't interested....or she was busy....or she is seeing someone else. Either way you cut it, why is it so hard to just be straight with others?

My friend is not the first person that I've heard this happen to and I've experienced it myself. Sure we could just let it go, let it roll off your back. And normally I do. But in order to keep with the post topic, I digress.

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